Foz do Iguacu: the falls on the Brazilian side
The bus ride to Puerto Iguazu was great! We’re in the “cama” class, the padded seats are wide and recline almost fully. After an 18 hours ride, we’re less tired than after 8h in Asia. Ah, it’s a good start.
As we start looking for a hotel, we realise there’s no more room in Puerto Iguazu (on the Argentinian side), we have to cross the Brazilian border to find a place to stay for the night. Getting there is actually quite simple. We hop on the bus and stop at the Argentinian border so that we can get our exit stamp. Then, the bus crosses the Brazilian border… lets 2 passengers get off and follows its route. But wait… we did not get our entry stamp in Brazil. Well… that’s strange. Being French we don’t need a visa but the stamp is still mandatory. It looks like we’re illegal immigrants.
I hope we won’t have any issues leaving the country tomorrow night. Not much to do there, we’ll see when we get back to Argentina.
The following day we wake up early and leave for the Iguazu falls on the Brazilian side (Iguaçu, in Portuguese). They regroup 275 waterfalls over a 3km wide area, with the highest being 90 meters high. This natural border between Brazil and Argentina is absolutely breathtaking. It’s easy to understand why these falls are classified as a UNESCO world heritage site.
Only thing is, it’s the Easter long week-end, so the place is absolutely crammed.
We let you see for yourselves how beautiful this place is through the pics and video below.
Que de magnifiques souvenirs. Assurément l’un des coups de cœur de notre voyage au Brésil. Vous avez également fait le côté argentin des chutes d’Iguazu ? Lors de notre visite des chutes côté Brésilien (un dimanche) nous avons également fait la queue pendant longtemps (+ 2h), quel monde !
Yes, on a aussi fait celles du côté Argentin. L’article est ici.
C’était magique 🙂